A look back…
For over half a century, NYSCDA has been confronted with a wide range of issues coming out of Albany that have affected camps.
Our record of dealing with these issues and finding solutions has been quite remarkable…
The NY State Children’s Safety Group – Was established in 1991 by NYSCDA and the AM Skier Agency to reduce the costs of Workers Compensation premiums of its members. Through discounts and dividends, and by promoting and practicing high standards for health and safety, NYSCDA members have literally saved several millions of dollars since its inception
- SUTA – For decades, camps were paying state unemployment taxes on high school & college students that were not eligible to receive unemployment benefits! NYSCDA waged a hard fought battle to correct this unfair practice on behalf of the state and WON! The savings to NY’s camps has been and remains substantial to say the least! Every camp in NY State saves hundreds/thousands of dollars annually due to this huge victory by NYSCDA.
- NYCAMP – Our political Action Committee (PAC) was formed to effectively provide us with another layer of access to key state legislations and regulatory issues.
New York State Camp Directors Association
Other ongoing issues/accomplishments include…
- Single Purpose Camps Bill
- Real Property Tax Bill
- Licensed Professionals Bill
- Meal Lodging Allowance
- Day Care Staff Screening
- Mandated Law NY Abuse Reporter
- Summer Camp Safety
- Child Protection Improvements Act 2014 Key Messages
- Public Funds
- Inflatables
- Subpart 7-2 Sanitary Code statewide amendments
- Staff Fingerprints & Background checks
- Minimum wage and Overtime laws
- School bus issues – 19A, CDL and more…
- Wilderness swimming standards of assessment
- NFP Camps property tax issues
- Petting Zoo guidance
- Food service regulations
- Swimming pool filtration, Buddy check systems and Lifeguard certifications/ requirements
- 17 year old resident camp counselors being restricted from working after 9pm or before 7am
- Recreational Aquatic Spray-grounds
- Medical & Camp Aquatic Director requirements
- Immunization/Vaccinations & Health care issues
- Bunk Bed Guardrails
- Private water wells – disinfection issues
- Written Camp Safety Plans
- Travel Programs
- Out of state trips by camps
- Bats, Raccoons & Rabies
- Camper & Counselor illness/incidents & reporting
- Year round school calendars